: Madhubani, Bihar, 847211


The definition of a canteen is a self-service restaurant where you select and pay for food yourself, or a dining area where meals can be purchased or brought from home. The big room with a lunch line and tables where kids eat their lunches while at school is an example of a canteen.

Food/drinks available near College, known to provide access to unhealthy food/drinks, may also have lasting effects on student health and behaviors

We try to provide good food in canteen inside college so students need not to go outside the college gate to have their lunch.

Canteen Has Facilities Of:

  • Vegetarian
  • Non Vegetarian
  • Fast Food
  • Food Provided in Canteen is Fully hygienic With Neat and Clean Environment.


Student Information System

This section will deal with all the information pertaining to a student such as personal, academic as well as digital document and student report.

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