: Madhubani, Bihar, 847211

Department of Arts

Arts courses provide an education in variety of contexts. Arts aims to offer education that is accessible to students with a wide range of educational backgrounds and professional and personal circumstances. This course offers a rich variety of subjects and helps to understand how cultural, historical, geographical, political, linguistic, and environmental forces shape the world and recognize the role of the individual within communities to effect change. The course also incorporates a variety of modes of learning and teaching.

To understand the major artistic styles and genres of Western and Non- Western art and architecture through a broad range of time periods up to the present.

  • Compare and contrast contemporary works with their art historical antecedents
  • Analyze works of art contextually

S.No Course Name Specialization
1 B.A History
2 B.A Hindi
3 B.A English
4 B.A Economics
5 B.A Sociology
6 B.A Political Science
7 B.A Psychology
8 B.A Geography
10 B.A Persion
11 B.A Maithili
12 B.A Music
13 B.A Ancient Indian History
14 B.A Labour and Social Welfare (LSW)
15 B.A Philosophy
16 B.A Home Science

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